Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Kansas

Kansas was our home for almost 13 years.  Even though we were very excited for our move to Florida we were going to miss Kansas.  So many good things happened there, 3 of our kids were born there, our first home, friendships, church, the Royals and the list goes on.  Yes we were going to miss this place.  Here are a couple highlights from a chapter in our lives that was about to close.  With the closing of one chapter it means another one is about to begin so we couldn't be too sad.


Snowy Days!

The Kansas City Royals - Loved going to the games


Pumpkin Patches

T-Rex Cafe - I know there is one here but it was extra special to go in KS

Building Snowmen!


Wicked Storms! 

No more shoveling snow!

We will miss it a little :)

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